Board of Commissioners

Strategic Goals & Objectives

In 2022, THA’s Board of Commissioners adopted an ambitious strategic plan to guide the agency’s efforts for the next 5 years. In addition to our mission to provide high-quality housing and supportive services to people with low incomes, with a focus on those facing the greatest marginalization.

As we look toward the next several years, we set out a series of objectives, metrics, and strategies to support each of our goals:

Increase the Amount of Available Housing for Low-Income Families

In the next year, develop a process or program for THA customers to purchase homes.

  • In 2024, homeownership classes and partnerships began at various THA sites, provided by TUL and Habitat for Humanity at no cost to THA.

By end of 2028, add at least 500 new units of affordable housing through development or partnerships.

  • THA received certificates of occupancy for both Housing Hilltop buildings, adding 213 residential units.
  • Executed Project-Based Voucher HAP Contracts for Exley and St. Helens Apartments, adding 26 units.
  • Executed VASH PBV Contracts for Shilo and KWA adding 20 units of affordable housing.
  • Closed and broke ground on Mercy Housing for 129 units at Aviva Crossing. Collaborated with Mercy Housing to design, permit, and plan funding for over $10 million in infrastructure improvements, supporting the development of more than 500 new housing units.
  • Awarded Related NW Parcel A at Aviva Crossing between Korean Women’s Association and J2 Housing. Related NW proposed to build between 150-192 affordable housing units between 50-60% AMI. This development is aimed at housing students, workforce population, and small families.

By end of 2028, purchase at least 200 housing units that can be prioritized for voucher holders.

  • Prepared 5 property financial proformas to assist in the evaluation of acquisition opportunities.

By end of 2028, rehabilitate and or refinance at least 100 units of existing housing to improve quality of life for tenants and long-term viability of the property.

  • Completed 102 projects, including new floors in Bay Terrace stairways, camera upgrades, AES radio upgrades and firestop installs at several properties, new elevator jack work at Fawcett, and roof/gutter cleaning at Salishan.
  • Initiated the process of resyndication at Salishan 1-3 and Hillside 2300 to allow for the refinancing, recapitalizing, and rehabilitation of these properties.

Increase Housing Access & Stability

By end of 2024, increase the percent of households able to secure housing with a voucher from 55% to 60%.

  • Reported 80% success rate for folks in Rapid Rehousing programs.
  • Moved in 205 (projected) applicants into portfolio units, a 64% increase from 2023.

By end of 2025, maintain a 98% occupancy rate or higher in THA’s portfolio.

  • THA increased occupancy from 92% to 95% within eight months in 2024.

By end of 2025, develop a strategy for measuring customer success (housing recipients, landlords, vendors, etc.) and publish baseline data.

  • THA is creating a comprehensive data system to better manage data, which launched in 2024 with our Yardi and Apricot conversions.

Make THA a Great Place to Work

Increase THA retention from 79% to 85%.

  • THA exceeded our 85% employee retention goal, seeing over 90% in 2024.

Increase the number of THA residents and low-income Tacomans hired into THA jobs and THA-funded work.

  • THA has hosted hiring events at our properties, installed computer labs at 3 properties, and created a system for collecting information about the low-income status of applicants.

Develop a strategy for measuring staff satisfaction and publish baseline data.

  • In our 2024 annual employee engagement survey, THA had the highest number of employee participation on record and positive feedback.

Make THA A Great Contractor and Partner

By end of 2023, increase the number and percentage of THA invoices paid within 30 days from the date of invoice and work.

  • 91.7% of all vendor payments were made within 30 days of receiving a valid invoice prior to converting to Yardi.
  • After delays associated with the Yardi rollout, THA in November paid 94% of invoices (excluding Eisenhower & Construction Draw invoices) within 30 days of their invoice date.

By end of 2024, increase the percentage of minority and women-owned businesses receiving contracts or direct purchase requisitions with THA or with THA funds.

  • THA has been working to build data collection tools for this metric and to begin collecting data on the number of disadvantaged business enterprises receiving contracts.
  • THA has centralized contracting to streamline the contracting process with an aim to prioritize MWBE contractors in construction projects.

By end of 2025, review THA policies and practices related to housing, procurement, and employment and revise them to make them more equitable.

  • Designed a comprehensive DEIB Learning Cohort curriculum set to launch in 2025, aiming to educate our staff and in turn improve our programs and customer service.

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