THA Service Portal
You can view your ledger, unit inspection results, and tenant Housing Specialist information, plus update your contact information and more using our new online service portal.
THA’s housing programs work because of the cooperation of thousands of private landlords in Tacoma. Our goal is to make programs a profitable, worthwhile, and satisfactory arrangement for them.
Our primary responsibility is to pay its share of the rent directly to landlords. As the largest housing subsidy provider in Tacoma, we pay local landlords over $33 million each year in rent payments.
Stronger Communities
Our Housing Programs are good business! List your vacancies with us to reach more potential tenants.
Renting to families in THA’s housing programs can bring a variety of benefits for landlords, tenants, and the community.
Contact our Landlord Engagement Team
You can use our Housing Provider Contact Form to get help with services including:
- Submit Request for Tenancy Approval Packet
- New owner/agent setup or changes (set up new owner or agent, add or remove agent)
- Update banking information
- Concerns regarding THA client
- Portal log-in help
Virtual Landlord Orientations
Join us from 9–10 am on the fourth Wednesday of the month to learn about:
- THA’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program and the process of becoming a landlord partner.
- Benefits for landlord partners.
- Inspection process.
- And more!
Fair Housing Information
Pierce County offers information on the standard guidelines for Landlords and Building Managers. Learn more at their Fair Housing Resources page.
Attention Housing Providers!
Do you own electrically heated rental properties in need of upgrades to insulation, windows, and heating systems? If so, Tacoma Power’s conservation incentive program can help you boost the energy efficiency of your rentals.