
Energy Conservation Program

July 20, 2022

In September 2022, Tacoma Power’s Conservation department is launching a new energy conservation program for rental properties with income-qualified tenants.

The new program will take a holistic approach to energy efficiency in rentals which includes an innovative incentive structure that provides the housing provider options for minimal up-front cost.  Our energy specialists will audit the home, identify the conservation potential of each rental unit, and provide a recommended project scope to achieve maximum efficiency. 

See if your rentals qualify now!

For the home or unit to qualify:

  1. Rental properties (up to 4 units per building) must be served by Tacoma Power  
  2. Tenant’s income must fall below 80% of area median income (See income chart below)  
  3. Main heating source is electric (forced air furnace, cadets/baseboards, or heat pump)

Qualifying energy efficient measure upgrades: 

Energy efficient measures must be installed by a Tacoma Power Participating Trade Ally.

To qualify for upgrades, existing insulation must be:

  • Attic: R-11 (4 inches) or less
  • Walls: R-0 (none)
  • Floor: R-11 (4 inches) or less

To qualify for window upgrades, existing must be:  

  • Existing single pane windows with wood or metal frames
  • Existing single pane windows with storm windows  

To qualify for central or ductless heat pump:

  • Existing main heating source is electric forced air, baseboards, and cadets    

To learn more about the special offers for low-income rental homes, email Sara Bowles at:

Tacoma Power 2022 Income Chart

Household SizeMaximum Monthly Pre-tax income
80% Area Medium Income (AMI)