Blog Post

Thanksgiving Message 2016

November 24, 2016
Michael Mirra, Executive Director

Dear Friends of THA:

As you may know, I write at this time of the year to catch you up on the news from the Tacoma Housing Authority (THA).  Writing you is also a chance to reflect on THA’s work, its value and what it takes to get it done.  It takes hundreds of partners like you: elected local, state and national leaders, their hardworking staff, public and private funders, lenders and investors, foundation and public program officers, architects, planners, builders, suppliers, construction workers, financial advisors, auditors, attorneys, grant writers, other housers, advocates, service partners, journalists, teachers and counselors, school district staff, police officers, community groups, unions, and neighborhood organizations.  Thanksgiving is a good time to thank you.

I attach my full update if you care for details.  It mainly reports on THA’s work this year in three areas:

THA’s Education Project, in particular the THA Elementary School Housing Assistance Program, the Community College Housing Assistance Program and THA’s College Savings Accounts for the Children of Salishan;

THA’s new and planned investments in housing and services for foster children, homeless youth without families and homeless young adults;

THA’s real estate developments, especially Salishan’s news and our investments in the Hilltop.

Reflecting on this work may also help us think about the recent election and what it may mean for us, our work and the people we serve.  I try to do that as well in the attachment.

You make our work possible.  You make the work effective.  Also, you make it meaningful and enjoyable.  On behalf of THA’s Board of Commissioners and staff, I wish to tell you that we are grateful.

Thank you!
