Request for Proposals:

Asset Management

June 6, 2024

The submission period ended on July 11, 2024.

I. Introduction:

The Tacoma Housing Authority is seeking bids for Asset Management.

II. Schedule:

RFP Release Date06/06/2024n/a
RFI Deadline06/13/20243:00 pm
RFP Submission Deadline07/11/20243:00 pm
THA evaluation period07/11/2024-07/26/2024n/a
Notice of Award08/02/2024n/a
Anticipated Contract Start Date08/16/2024n/a
Updated July 26, 2024

III. Scope of Work:

Location: Tacoma Housing Authority

Tacoma Housing Authority is seeking assistance building its Asset Management function. THA is seeking the following:

  • Training on the principles of Asset Management.
    • What is the purpose of asset management in housing portfolio management?
    • What are the shared values and goals of Asset Management, Property Management, Compliance, Finance and Facilities staff?
    • How does Asset Management differ from Property and Facilities management?
  • Assistance establishing THA-specific Asset Management, Compliance, and Property Management KPIs and goals;
  • Analysis of current agency structure, policies, procedures, and staff qualifications;
  • Recommendations about organization structure, policies, procedures and/or other changes that could be made to meet our Asset Management goals.
    • What are the differences in roles and responsibilities of Asset Management staff, Finance staff, Property Management, Compliance, and Facilities staff?
  • Recommended training and/or certifications for existing or future Asset Management staff.
  • Describe the key components/competencies outside the Asset Management department critical to effective Asset Management.

IV. Proposal Requirements:

For the proposals to be considered responsive, vendors should submit the following with their bid packet:

  • Cover Letter
  • Company Profile and Qualifications
  • Company Proposal
  • Completed Contractor/Vendor Intake Form – Exhibit C
  • OMWBE Certification if applicable
  • MWBE Self Attestation if applicable

V. Evaluation Criteria:

Complete Proposal Packet20 pts.
Cover letter10 pts.
Company Profile and Qualifications20 pts.
OMWBE certified businesses, if not certified, a self-attestation form must be completed attached)10 pts.
Detailed Proposal30 pts.
MWBE Certification if applicable10 pts.

VI. Proprietary Proposal Material:

Any records or materials submitted to Tacoma Housing Authority become public records under Washington State law (see RCW Chapter 42.56, the Public Disclosure Act).

VII. Exhibits to RFP:

RFI Responses:

Q1: What is the final goal to be achieved in building the asset management function? 

A1: Please refer to scope

Q2: Why do you feel there is a gap in current functionality of the property and housing management and where you want to be once the asset management function is operational?

A2: We strive for continuous improvement the RFP outlines where we feel the current needs are.

Q3: What if any are the current CRM’s being used by staff and the private landlords THA currently partners with?

A3: Yardi

Q4: In building the asset management function is THA looking for processes to be created, evaluation and maximization of current staff to take on asset management, or both? Will we be implementing processes and training on our own or conducting a hand off to THA?

A4: Both, please include your operations in proposal

Q5: If applicable will we be working remotely/virtually or interacting in person with staff responsible for asset management?

A5: Please include how you work in your proposal – we can offer tours of our property as needed.

Q6: Is the asset management geared toward reducing expenses of the current portfolio, increasing value of the current portfolio through renovations, increasing the portfolio value through expansion, or all of the above?

A6: Any of this is possible

Q7: We could not find an Exhibit E: Pricing list, will there be one?

A7: There is no provided pricing list template but please include a pricing list in your proposal.

Q8: What is the current size of your portfolio? How many units? How many units do you manage? How many units do you own?

A8: Please see our properties on our website (approx. 1500 units).

Q9: In order to provide a cost estimate we need access to analyze the need?  Is there any data we can have access to, particularly the THA portfolio?

A9: The successful proposal awarded will have access to our data, it will not be shared prior to that. See size above on website.

Q10: What is the current THA agency structure, policies, procedures and staff qualifications?

A10: We are 10 departments including two operational departments. Asset Management and Real Estate development work closely with Property Management. No other information on policies and qualifications can be provided at this time.

Q11: What is the time frame we have to evaluate, analyze, make recommendations & implement? What are the expectations?

A11: Please include this information in your proposal. We expect proposers to provide this information based on the scope of work.

Q12: How long is this contract for?

A12: This will depend on the time frame outlined in your proposal.

Q13: What exactly do you want managed?

A13: THA is not seeking proposals to manage its portfolio. THA is seeking guidance on strengthening its asset management function and its relationship to the current property management agreements.

Q14: Is this for rentals, maintenance of buildings, landlord relationships or acquisitions?

A14: No

Q15: Is this a budget for setting up the asset management program and metrics or for being the contractor doing the management?

A15: This is for setting up the asset management program.

Q16: If managing Real Estate – how many properties? What is the scope of management?

A16: Not applicable.

Q17: There were no submittal instructions provided in the RFP or on the website. Should the proposal be submitted to ? Please clarify and confirm submittal instructions for the proposal.

A17: All submissions can be sent to

Q18: Should the proposal include a cost estimate or rates or both? If so, what format should the cost estimate be provided?

A18: Please break out the costs how you see fit.

Q19: Should the proposal include proposed staff, including an organization chart and resumes?

A19: Yes, please refer to the RFP where we request qualifications

Q20: Is there a page limit for the proposal?

A20: No

Q21: Is THA looking for the work to be conducted completely remotely, onsite, or hybrid?

A21: This will depend on your work, tours can be arranged of properties if needed

Q22: Is there a budget established for this work?

A22: No

Q23: Is there a preferred sequence that THA would like to conduct the activities set forth in the scope of work or is THA looking to the consultant to recommend a sequence?

A23: Please include in your proposal there is no proposed sequence.

Q24: Do proposers only receive points for MWBE certification if they are the prime contractor? If a prime has a MWBE-certified firm on the team, will the prime receive the MWBE and OMWBE points?

A24: Please include in your proposal, points will be weighted based on your conclusion.

Q25: Is this cash assets (cash, bonds, market investments) or property assets?

A25: Property assets

Q26: The Scope of Work shows THA is seeking assistance building it’s asset management function.  Can you talk more about the particular type of asset management function?

A26: This RFP is intended for consultatory services for the Tacoma Housing Authority’s Asset Management Function. Sought Recommendations include, but not limited to:

  • Asset Management Roles and Responsibilities
  • Property Management Roles and Responsibilities
  • Compliance Roles and Responsibilities
  • Asset Management Process Development
  • Data Tracking and Reporting Tools
  • Financial Management
  • PUPY and Performance Metrics
  • Capital Improvement Planning
  • 3rd Party Property Management Functions

Q27: Are you looking for certain qualifications to fill this contract position?

A27: No
