Salishan Construction Phasing & Site Plan

THA has divided the Salishan redevelopment project into three general phases:
PHASE I-AREA 1: 2004 – 2007
This phase removed and replaced the infrastructure (streets, paving, site utilities) in 2004. New construction of the rental housing began in 2005 and finished in September 2006. In total, there are 325 new units of affordable rental housing. This includes International Place, a 55-unit multifamily senior building, that the Korean Womens Association built and manages. It opened in Spring 2007.
Quadrant Homes built and sold 119 single family homes for sale homes. Twenty-five percent of these homes were sold to low income households (less than 60% of the area median income) at prices affordable to them. Habitat for Humanity also built 6 homes and Tacoma Housing Authority preserved and rebuilt 11 original units for sale to low income and market rate buyers.
PHASE 2: 2007 – 2010
Phase 2 covers Area 2a and Area 3. This is the largest and most complex phase of the redevelopment.
Area 2A
Demolition of the existing infrastructure began in Spring 2007. Development of the new infrastructure began in early summer 2007. A 90 unit tax credit project began in July 2007 and finished in 2008.Area 2A is also home to the Neighborhood Core. Other developers and uses in the Neighborhood Core include the following:
- Kimi and Dr. George Tanbara Health Clinic (Community Health Care). Community Health Care (CHC) is a nonprofit provider of primary health care in Pierce County. It built its new health clinic at Salishan. This is a three-story, 36,000-square-foot building that was completed in the summer of 2009.
- Second Senior Building (American Baptist Homes of the West, ABHOW): ABHOW is constructing a 55-unit senior building which will be completed in the spring of 2011.
Area 3
Area 3 will have 18 homes for sale and 180 apartments for rent. THA began the infrastructure work in January 2008 and was finished by the end of 2008. The rental housing was finished by the end of 2009.
Phase 3 comes in two parts: Area 2b and Arlington Road section.
Area 2B
Area 2B will have 91 affordable apartments for rent and 18 market rate rentals and 70 homes for sale. Affordable rental units were finished in January 2011. The market rate rentals and homes for sale await financing.
Arlington Drive Section
THA will be issuing an RFP in mid 2011 for a developer to build and manage as assisted living facility on this 3.5 acre parcel.