Housing Choice Voucher Termination Policy
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program rules require THA to terminate assistance to a participating family if:
- Any family member fails to sign and submit consent forms required to obtain information on family status as part of any reexamination conducted by THA.
- Any family member fails to declare citizenship or provide documentation of eligible non-citizen status within the prescribed timeframes and extensions.
- The family is evicted from housing assisted under the program for a serious or repeated violation of the lease.
THA may also terminate assistance for the following reasons:
- The family violates any family obligations under the housing choice voucher program.
- Any member of the family commits fraud, bribery, or other corrupt or criminal act related to any federal housing program.
- If the family currently owes monies to THA or another Housing Authority for amounts in connection with the housing choice voucher program or public housing program.
- If the family has not reimbursed any Housing Authority for amounts paid to an owner under a HAP contract for rent, damages to the unit, or other amounts owed by the family under the lease.
- If the family is in breach of a repayment agreement with any Housing Authority.
- If the family violates the Housing Authority’s policy on absence from the unit.
- If any member of the family has been evicted from federal assisted housing in the last five years.
- If a Housing Authority has ever terminated assistance under the program for any member of the family.
- If the family has engaged in or threatened abusive or violent behavior to THA personnel.
- If a family participating in the Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) Program fails to comply with the contract of participation without good cause.
If THA proposes to terminate a family from the program, it will send the family a notice. The notice will explain the reasons. It will also offer the family a chance to contest the decision if the family believes that THA is making a mistake.
THA may remove a family from the program if its members do not follow the rules. If a family is not able to comply with their lease, be a good neighbor, or follow the program rules, there are thousands of families on the wait list eager for a voucher who will follow the rules.
For more details, please review Chapter 12 of THA’s Administrative Plan.